The library is approached every couple of years by youth seeking a service project to complete to become an Eagle Scout. A few months ago, we were connected with a young man named Trevor Vogel, who was said to be quite the carpenter. At that time, we were working on making the shelving in our space more mobile so we can accommodate larger groups during our programs (obviously a little different today, but we hope to return to those big programs again in the future!). Trevor took a brief look at the two mobile shelving units we had purchased with a generous memorial donation, and he asserted he could replicate them. Trevor then went to work. We communicated over the course of the project and he kept me apprised on developments. He had procured a few organizations to donate materials and lend him tools. At one point, he needed to access our closed building to trace the shelves. Due to the current circumstances, we really were unable to see the shelf until it was complete. And we were blown away. Trevor did a fantastic job creating an amazing mobile shelf which will help us so much in our space. It is beautiful, quality, and it is almost undetectable which shelf came from the company and which one Trevor created.

In addition to thanking Trevor for his work and dedication to this project, we wanted to extend a huge thank you to the local businesses that made donations to complete the construction:
Thank you so much to Drexel for the lumber, to New Holstein True Value for the hardware and other finishing items needed, and to Magdelena for lending Trevor the necessary tools.
A reminder that even though we don’t have our large programs going on, we do have a Summer Reading Program where both kids and adults can track reading online and earn prizes. See our website!! The program runs June 15th-August 15th so get started today for more chances to win!